ATTENDACE MACHINE | BIO-METRIC | attendance machine | biometric attendance system | biometric attendance machine | biometric machine

Attendance & Access Control has become essential means of ensuring both security and tracking employees’ attendance in an organization. So, the main objective of Access Control is to protect physical, IP & human assets. This avoids unauthorized people from visiting certain predefined areas. An ideal Access Control should effectively manage security and employee attendance irrespective of the size of the organization.


  • Access is offered per user, time, and area.
  • Collection of biometrical data for advanced security.
  • The option of additional protection for sensitive areas by means of Advance Security Options.
  • Reliability & Scalability through IP-based architecture.
  • Control of multiple devices & locations via central monitoring.
  • Ability to integrate with firefighting & other technical security systems.

Employee Time management is necessary for ensuring the organization continues to maintain a high level of discipline and stays on the right course. Keeping time – attendance in view, an organization should be careful while choosing a biometric. One should look for the following attributes:

  • Simultaneous control over multiple locations through a centralized system.
  • Management of working hours of Individual employees.
  • Tracking shift & overtime work.
  • Prompt notifications in case of any change say schedule.
  • Creating customized reports.
  • Easy integration with payroll management & human resources management.
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